Cuckooz nest, a different approach to childcare
Fabienne and Charlie, Cuckooz Nest Co-Founders
We spoke with Fabienne O’Neill and Charlie Rosier, Co-Founders of the Cuckooz Nest NURSERY which caters to freelancer parents, about how they help bridge the gap between work and life.
Can you tell us why you set up a more flexible type of childcare service?
It came from a place of personal experience. Charlie and I were juggling the challenges of running a start-up in London when, after only 4 months Charlie had her daughter. We then realised the inflexibility of the current childcare model in the UK; especially for very young children (under 6 months) the options are limited. After speaking with friends/family and holding a handful of focus groups, it became obvious that there was a huge gap in the market; for both a flexible nursery but also a combined workspace for freelance parents.
What are the biggest problems you face as a childcare provider for freelancers?
The business was built around freelancers and their changing work patterns; so thankfully we’ve now worked out most of the kinks. Our model allows for a huge degree of flexibility, allowing for mix & match childcare (changing week-to-week) or project-based work. We’ve actually had several members from USA, Canada and Australia, where they were working in London for 3 – 6 months and needed short-term childcare
One of the challenges that remains on our agenda is providing nursery care outside the 9-5; many parents do work on shift patterns and we think that following Corona this will only be heightened. With many freelancers having lost their jobs or now struggling for income, it could be the case that people’s working hours may change – to include evening/weekend work and/or working remotely in different time zones. Our aim is to support working parents as they need it and continue to innovate and adapt the model.
How is providing services for freelancer parents different from parents working 9-5?
As above, it’s all about the flexibility. We have over 3 children for every space; this allows for children to be present one week, and not the next. We have over 6 different sessions you can book a day; and members can change this week-to-week. Our minimum usage is only 4 hours a week. Our membership is reasonably flexible; unlike traditional nurseries, you can pause whenever for sickness, holiday or general duvet day and provided we get sufficient notice, parents are not charged full price. Our community of parents is also very different from a traditional nursery. Firstly they are on-site (working) and therefore building relationships and friendships with one another. Secondly, this proximity means a better relationship between the nursery team and parents. We support this as much as we can, holding quarterly parent/teacher events and weekly events for the freelancer.
I'm sure you have had to make adjustments to your services to cater to freelancers’ needs - what are they?
It’s been a continual learning journey, and in many ways, we’re starting from scratch again as we emerge from lockdown and embrace a ‘new normal.’ Unlike traditional nurseries, because some of our children may be with us infrequently, we’ve had to create our own model for observations and settling-in; planning is in the moment and for each individual child is done weekly. Secondly, interaction with parents is high on the agenda, and thus we strongly encourage and support home learning. We are working on a plan now, to enable parents to observe, track and record their little ones’ learning and development journey whilst at home, so that even those children with limited time at Cuckooz Nest can benefit from EYFS.
Do you have any advice for freelance parents on how to maintain a positive relationship with their childcare provider
I think the same applies to every parent not just freelance parents – just maintain good communication all around. A good parent relationship is key to a child’s development. We are such big believers in making sure parents get to know their child’s key worker and try and allow for as much consistency between nursery and home. They are a huge influence on your child during their early years – the more positive a relationship you have with that carer, the more positive the impact will be for your child.
From a childcare provider point of view, how do you think that employment should change in order to allow parents with better work and life a more balance
Flexible working! There is no doubt that following the current pandemic we will see a dramatic change in the way we work. The Telegraph recently wrote “Right to work from home could be enshrined in law after coronavirus lockdown ends” – followed by another online announcement, this time by Twitter which said “employees will be allowed to work from home forever.” We’re very excited to see big companies starting to change and the issue of ‘presenteeism’ being vanquished!
The challenges around equal pay and support for working mums in particular still needs to be addressed. Hopefully, we’ll start to see employers creating on-site childcare (subsidized for employees of course) and we’re excited to re-engage with big companies again, who have, for some time, been seriously looking at this option.
Are you aware of any initiatives out there that are trying to push for these changes?
We’ve been lucky enough to meet so many inspirational folks since we launched Cuckooz Nest. A number of campaigners/initiatives that I think have had a hugely positive impact on changing the agenda are: Mother Pukka, Raising Films, Pregnant Then Screwed & Doing it for the Kids (DIFTK). All of these, in our opinion, are striving for the new order which will create a real work/life balance.
Do you know of sustainable models in other countries?
There are a number of co-working + nursery spaces out there, but a few that really stand out are Trehaus in Singapore & Brella in Los Angeles. Our hero company is Patagonia; who has provided on-site childcare for employees since 1983!
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