In conversation with Neil Ben
Producer / Director Neil Ben
1. Introduce yourself
Neil Ben
2. What is your job title?
Producer / Director and lead trainer
3. Who looks after the kids when you are working?
They are teenagers now so they pretty much look after themselves, but as a single dad have been their main carer for the last 10 years. When they were younger I occasionally had support of an au pair.
4. How long did you take off work after having your baby?
That was a long time ago when I was married. My ex-wife had 6 months off work, I was working freelance, so managed to find a 2 week gap in work
5. Would you say that you have a good work/life balance?
It’s getting better as my kids get older… But for the past 10 years as a single dad it has been pretty tough.
6. Are you job sharing or working flexibly?
No to job sharing… As to flexibility, I now run my own video production company, so being the boss I guess I can work my own times… Which usually means working all the hours of the day.
7. What do you think is the hardest part of being a working in media/film/tv industry and being a parent?
I had to give up may career working in TV as I couldn’t look after the kids and work the hours that TV required. So I had to create my own business that I was in control of to survive. Now, as I could move back into TV things are very different, but it is possible.
8. What are your tips for any other men out there wanting to have kids and keep a career in film?
You can't do it on your own. Without a supportive family / partner / au pair / nanny / child care it will be almost possible. Both being a father and working in film / tv are demanding roles… there is not enough time in the day or reserves of energy to do both well… You’ll either have to focus on one brilliantly at the affect of the other or do neither of them very well at all.
9. Any advice for anyone about to return to work after paternity leave?
If you’ve had paternity leave be very grateful that you’ve had it, ‘cause I had to do everything on my own with no support from anyone - so no advice available for this question.
10. What advice did you wish someone had given you?
There is no point in blaming anyone for the situation you are in, as in truth, they are more worried about their own situation than yours. Accept the situation and get on and do the best you can. It gets easier as the kids get older. No one owes you anything and bitching just makes things harder.
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