In conversation with Pierre Farinole
Pierre, Misli and Mimi
1. Introduce yourself
My name is Pierre Farinole, Im the father of a ten month old devil beautiful daughter. I have been working in the film industry for 15 years.
2. What is your job title?
For the past 5 years now, I have been working as Std By Art Director.
3. Who looks after the kids when you're working?
My wife and her mum when she’s working.
4. How long did you take off after having your baby?
Well… that is a good question. I had finished a job on the end of Misli’s 2nd trimestre, it was financially difficult for our household to be taking 3 months off and paternity leave as well. So when the job hunt started I made it clear on my interviews that we were expecting a child and that it would/could (we’ve been doing it since the dawn of time but the day of the birth is not a solid science) happen during the shoot. On my first interview they clearly said to me that it wouldn’t work out. I wrongfully assumed that it WOULD NOT be a problem but I guess for the father to be taking time off on the birth of his first child to look after the baby and the mother is something outrageous to ask. On the second interview I thought that maybe I should think of having someone replace me. But then again, I decided not to go down that road as I should not be asking for a favour. So on the 2nd interview I started straight off the bat that this was happening and that I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time if it was a problem. It didn’t seem to be a problem, but obviously didn’t work on my favour either as I didn’t get the job. Finally on my THIRD interview the lovely Ashley Lamont, Sup Art Director, who had recently just had his first daughter told me absolutely not a problem, family first, etc… as you would expect.
Sorry for going off track for a bit but I thought this was worth mentioning. So when Mimi was born, Misli had her first contraction in the morning before I left for work. I knew that I would call my supervisor to tell him the great news. In the end I had the rest of the week she was born off and the one following. Off, but unpaid… ‘In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King’ as we say in France…
5. Would you say you have a good work/life balance?
This industry makes it difficult. But you learn to separate work and life and in the end I think it works out ok for me.
6. Are you job sharing or working flexibly? Or would you consider it as an option?
Yes and yes ! I have a good friend who recently started standing by, and when I have an obligation, she often covers for me. Ideally, in a fair world, we could share the job without anyone making a fuss… but everyone loves a fuss on set.